Empowering Tribal Organizations and Communities

Meet Our Founder

Willie Wolf is the president of Red Road Leadership Consulting, a Native American training and consulting firm, based in Gig Harbor, Washington. Mr. Wolf has a Master’s in Public Administration with an emphasis on Tribal Administration. Mr. Wolf is an enrolled member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe in South Dakota. Over the past 25 years, Mr. Wolf has conducted numerous trainings for Tribal staff throughout Indian Country. Mr. Wolf is also a certified trainer with Franklin Covey and Associates. He was the first to make the Seven Habits for Highly Effect People culturally responsive, which is one of the top business trainings in the country. Mr. Wolf is also a certified training with HRDQ, one of the leading Human Resources training organizations in the country. Mr. Wolf has trained over 10,000 supervisors from various Tribal organizations.

Senior Native American Navajo Woman Wearing Traditional Turquiose Jewelry

Our Services: Tailored to Your Tribal Needs

Understanding the diverse needs of our clients, we offer a wide range of services designed to foster growth, leadership, and positive outcomes for your tribe or organization:

Staff Development

Staff Development

Cultivate the potential of your team with our tailored training programs, designed to boost skills, confidence, and leadership capabilities.

Human Resources

Enhance your organization’s backbone with our strategic HR solutions, fostering a work environment that nurtures growth, efficiency, and harmony.

Wellness and Healing

Promote holistic well-being within your community with our wellness and healing programs, addressing both the physical and spiritual needs of your people.

Why Choose Us?

– Culturally Informed: Our training and consultation are deeply rooted in cultural knowledge, ensuring relevancy and respect for tradition in every service we provide.

– Expert Staff: Our team is comprised of tribal members who have lived the experiences and understand the nuances of working within Indian Country, offering you insights that are both authentic and actionable.

Client-Centered Service: At Red Road Leadership Consulting, your vision is our priority. Our dedication to exceptional customer service means we’re committed to delivering solutions that align with your goals and exceed your expectations.

Senior Native American Navajo Woman Wearing Traditional Turquiose Jewelry

Proposed Training Descriptions

All of the trainings are interactive, which include both presenting information and interactive participant exercises. The training descriptions include the following topic areas:

All My Relations (Diversity)

All tribes use the term “We are all related” and in this training, staff will learn on a very deep level what that phrase means in terms of diversity in the workplace. In a tribal organization, in this day and age, diversity issues have become even more of an issue. Staff will learn how to use strategies for addressing age, racial and sexual stereotypes which can cause major conflicts. The training will help staff to understand what diversity is all about, and how they can help create a more diverse world at work, and at home. Staff will learn how to use skills such as active listening, what it means to walk in someone else’s shoes, and how to value the differences in others.

Topics to be covered:

  • Explain the definition, terms, and history of diversity
  • How cultural oppression has set up a system of disharmony
  • Understand what lateral violence is and how it impacts diversity issues
  • Describe the meaning of stereotypes and biases, and how they develop
  • Learn to walk a mile in someone else’s mocassins
  • Use active listening skills to see what others are saying from their perspective
  • Identify ways to encourage diversity in the workplace, and prevent and discourage discrimination
  • Understand and respond to personal complaints, and develop a support system to manage the resolution process

Improving Communications Throughout your Organization

Whenever organizational assessments are conducted, poor communication is often cited as the number one issue. Breakdowns in communication can lead to conflicts, poor decision-making, and sabotaging behaviors such as rumors or gossiping. In this training, participants will learn why effective communication is so important, what barriers impede the communication process and techniques on how to improve your communication skills. Participants will be given an assessment tool to identify their communication styles and how to relate to others who have a different style. Ways to improve both verbal and non-verbal skills will be presented.

Topics to be covered:

  • Learn the four agreements
  • Understand what communication is
  • Identify barriers to communication, including trust issues
  • A communication exercise on gender issues
  • Learn how speak truth to power
  • Develop your active listening skills
  • Establish common ground with others
  • Use “I” messages

Case Management

Effective Case Management skills are an essential part of service delivery. Case Management provides a framework in which to provide services to clients within the field of child welfare,social services, behavioral health, 477 Programs,TANF and other human service areas. Case Management is built upon the Tribal Agency’s standards and related mandates.

To best meet the needs of the Tribal Community, Case Management is delivered within a culturally-responsive manner, which is reflective of the Tribe’s traditions, values, and language. During this two-day interactive training, staff will learn about client-centered practice; how quality assessments inform service delivery; how to write effective goals; how to develop after-care plans; how to utilize a Multi-Disciplinary Team Approach, and how to utilize supervision.

Topics to be covered:

  • Client-centered practice
  • Conducting initial, and on-going assessments
  • Developing a service plan
  • Developing goals that are behavioral, measurable, and time-limited
  • Planning for after-care from the onset of Case Management
  • The importance of documentation
  • Providing Case Management in a culturally-responsive manner
  • The importance of client contacts, including follow-ups, and assisting in the identification of resources and supports
  • Utilizing a Multi-Disciplinary Team Approach
  • Crisis intervention
  • The importance of having a working knowledge of standards and other related mandates
  • Making the most of supervision

Coaching and Mentoring

Training is very important in building an employee’s skills but it can be greatly enhanced by coaching and mentoring. Coaching is a process of relationship building and setting goals. Some characteristics of an effective coach are; being a trainer, teacher, tutor, and having the ability to focus on one or two specific skills at a time. Mentoring is the act of guiding, consenting, and providing support. It is essentially teaching. Mentoring includes many complex areas of development. In this interactive training, supervisors and managers will learn the key elements of coaching and mentoring. If a staff person attends a training and it is followed up by coaching and mentoring they can retain up to 90% of the information they learned. Coaching and mentoring are an essential part of any succession plan.

Topics to be covered:

  • Define coaching, mentoring and the GROW model
  • Identify and set appropriate goals using SMART techniques
  • Identify steps in defining current reality of employee’s situation
  • Identify benefits of building and fostering trust with your employees
  • Learn about steps needed in defining options
  • Identify and overcome common obstacles to the growth and development of your employees
  • Identify differences between mentoring and coaching
  • How to develop a mentoring program for your staff

Coalition Building

Coalition Building is essential for programs such as TANF, human services and any Tribal program as you need to identify all the partners you are working with and develop strong ties with them so you can leverage your resources. This interactive three- day workshop will provide an opportunity for the agencies and organizations that you work with to establish a much more effective working relationship. Developing partners is a non-traditional relationship between two parties that is characterized by a high degree of mutual trust, a strong desire to create mutual gains, extensive information sharing, joint problem solving activities and plans for a long term relationship. The expected result is a gain for each partner that could not be achieved through an adversarial relationship. Most Tribal organizations find it is difficult to partner on their own. There are many pitfalls and special skills which are required.

Coalition Building is a process that takes all the stakeholders through the transition in a very efficient way. This training will be specifically designed for some of the unique challenges a Tribal Coalition may encounter. Coalitions have been part of the Tribal way going back many years. Initiate this process by first bringing together all your partners together for partnership training and then work to achieve greater strategic success.

Topics to be covered:

  • Understand the meaning of partnering and its benefits
  • Define the purpose of the Coalition
  • Assess the current state of the partner relationship
  • Develop MOA’s and MOU’s with your partners
  • Discover the limitations of a traditional coalition
  • Learn a model of ideal partnering behavior
  • Develop an eco map to strengthen relationships
  • Identify and practice the essential communication and creativity skills needed to build and maintain a partnering relationship
  • Develop a joint action plan for creating a productive partnership

Creating a Healthy Tribal Organization

Tribal Organizations may be dysfunctional on many different levels. Signs of a dysfunctional organization can take the form of; poor leadership, high staff turnover, sabotaging behaviors, breakdown in communication; and ethical lapses. This can result in demoralizing the staff, lower productivity, and a failure to fulfill the mission of the Tribal Organization. In this interactive training, participants will learn how to identify the systemic issues of a dysfunctional organization and what, if any, role they may be playing in the process. Participants will also learn how to; utilize the existing resources more effectively, and implement cultural strategies that will help create a healthier working environment.

Topics to be covered:

  • Definition of a dysfunctional organization
  • A one day assessment of managers, line staff and community members to identify their strengths and areas of for improvement
  • Participants will learn historical events that contributed to the dysfunctional Tribal Organization
  • Identify process and substance addictions and how to deal with them in the workplace
  • Learn about the system impacts including the mission statement and policies and procedures
  • Communication breakdowns including how to deal with triangulation
  • The nine rules of a dysfunctional family and how they relate to your organization
  • Utilizing a proactive Employee Assistance Program
  • How to implement a Talking Circle as a wellness strategy
  • Creating a wellness plan for each participant and action steps for the program

Employee Performance Reviews

The Employee Performance Review Process is a beneficial tool to define individual staff members’ expectations, and to document their successes and challenges in achieving them. Among other areas, Employee Performance Reviews are essential for; maintaining effective management oversight, documenting staff achievements and improvement needs, and providing an overall evaluation of staff performance on an annual basis. Performance Reviews help staff members understand their role in achieving organizational goals, identify personal goals for the next year, and to identify the training and resources needed to achieve those goals. The Employee Performance Reviews help to; clearly define major work efforts, further develop individuals, and improve organizational performance. It is essential for program development. The Performance Review Process provides quarterly check-ins to provide staff with feedback to ensure they are on the right track. In this one day training, supervisors will learn various ways to evaluate employees. Supervisors will also learn the value of conducting performance evaluations in a timely manner.

Topics to be covered:

  • Benefits of conducting Employee Performance Reviews
  • Probationary Period Reviews
  • Address the whole person and not just job skills Ø Employee Performance Review Process:
  • Employee Performance Review Template Guide
  • Goal Setting that works
  • Case studies exercise to evaluate employees
  • How to use 360 Degree Performance Reviews
  • Connecting Performance Reviews with pay reviews, performance awards and training
  • Planning for the evaluation

Exceptional Customer Service

In this interactive training, staff will learn why Customer Service is so important and where they currently are in terms of their Customer Service skills. Staff will also learn the skills and strategies to deal with difficult customers and learn to resolve them in a good way. Staff will also learn how to develop an outstanding quality Customer Service philosophy which will; improve staff morale, create a healthier working environment, and insure your customers/Tribal members will look forward to their encounters with Tribal staff. Exceptional customer service is essential to retaining your customers and insuring that they are very satisfied with the services they received.

Topics to be covered:

  • Staff will learn how to apply the Four Agreements
  • Lateral Violence in the workplace
  • Staff will understand the importance of integrating your Tribe’s Traditional Values within Customer Service
  • An assessment will be conducted to identify staff’s Customer Service skills
  • Staff will learn how to develop a win/win relationship
  • Staff will implement sustained, continuous improvement
  • Staff will learn how to anticipate customer needs
  • How to deal with difficult customers in a proactive way
  • Customer exercises will be conducted to increase your verbal and nonverbal skills
  • Staff will learn how to deal with change
  • Develop an attitude of excellent service

Supervisory Skills

In most Tribal Organizations, mid-level managers make up the largest managerial level within the Tribe. Supervisors in this position are responsible to those above them, and to those they supervise. They are responsible for a variety of departments and projects. The number one reason for staff turnover is poor supervision so it is critical that supervisors know their roles and responsibilities. In order for the organization to operate smoothly, it is essential that supervisors be committed to the goals of the organization and that they understand how to effectively achieve those goals. In this interactive and dynamic two-day training, participates will learn how to be more effective in this role.

Topics to be covered:

  • Learn how to apply the Four Agreements
  • Understand the importance of supervising towards the Mission Statement, and Goals and Objectives
  • Learn how to create a supportive environment, build teams, and provide individual supervision
  • Learn how to implement policies and procedures consistently and fairly
  • Understand the Hiring, Performance Review, and Termination Process
  • The steps to delegate your authority
  • Learn how to communicate effectively
  • Learn how to conduct effective meetings
  • Learn how to resolve conflicts

Building a High Powered Team

To function as an effective Team, it is important for each Team member to know their roles, responsibilities, and how to work together in a healthy way. An assessment will be conducted to determine where you currently are as a Team. In this interactive training, staff will learn; the five dysfunctional elements of a Team, the characteristics of a high powered Team and, how to build upon the strengths of each other. Exercises, simulation of Team activities, and an engaging format, will help participants to learn what it takes to be a member of a successful Team. Teams can mature over time and become much more productive which is one of the outcomes.

Topics to be covered:

  • Completion of Team Assessment
  • Description of a Team
  • Identify factors for successful Team
  • Develop trust within your team
  • Define a leader and a follower
  • Effective Communication Skills
  • Facilitation of Talking Circle to unite hearts and minds
  • Strategies for setting, and leading effective Team meetings
  • Problem solving strategies using Six Thinking Hats
  • Creating synergy where the sum of the parts is greater than the whole
  • Developing action plans for your Team

The Way of the Otter (Stress Reduction)

Many tribes have stories about otters and what we can learn from them. They are the epitome of what it means to be happy, joyous and free. Unfortunately because of the stress in our personal lives and in our work environment many of us have forgotten how to play like the otter. In this interactive workshop, participants will learn how to identify their sources of stress and how to manage it more effectively. Stress can result in lower productivity, excessive sick leave and even lead to staff burnout. Participants will learn a number of stress reduction techniques which will result in more work/life balance and help them to work in a less stressful work environment. Staff make less errors when they are not stressed.

Topics to be covered:

  • A wellness inventory to identify your level of stress
  • What are stressors in your life: Lateral violence and traumas
  • Identify the best approach to a stressful situation
  • Use routines to lower stress
  • Learn how the teachings of the medicine wheel can bring balance
  • Use environmental and physical relaxation techniques
  • Better cope with major events
  • Use a stress log to identify stressors and create a plan to reduce or eliminate them
  • How to use a wellness plan

Time Management: Work Smarter, Not Harder

When workloads include multiple priorities and deadlines, it is critical that staff possess good Time Management skills. Time Management allows staff to enhance their personal motivation, delegation skills, organization tools, and crisis management. Through effective Time Management, staff will have better planning, improved efficiency, and increased productivity, which will decrease the number of crises encountered. When crises do occur, Time Management helps staff identify ways to successfully handle them in an efficient manner. During this interactive training, staff will; assess how they currently manage their time, learn the importance of goal setting, learn how to determine which activities have the greatest impact, learn how to plan wisely each day, learn how to prioritize tasks in order of importance, learn ways to overcome procrastination, learn how to evaluate the plan throughout the project, learn how to organize their workspace, learn when and how to delegate, and learn how to prepare for, and to schedule, meetings that utilize staff time most efficiently.

Topics to be covered:

  • Plan and prioritize each day’s activities in a more efficient, productive manner
  • How to deal with Indian Time
  • Write goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timed (SMART)
  • Overcome procrastination quickly and easily
  • Handle crises effectively and quickly
  • Organize your workspace and workflow to make better use of time
  • Delegate more efficiently
  • Use rituals to make your life run smoother
  • Plan meetings more appropriately and effectively

Roberrt’s Rules of Order/How to Conduct Effective Meetings

Robert’s Rules of Order training will provide the staff and Tribal leadership the skills needed to conduct effective meetings and insure that you accomplish the actions taken during the meeting. Robert’s Rules of Order was developed by a military officer in the 1800’s and it is used by many Tribal organizations. It insures that established procedures are followed during the meetings.

Without the type of structure that Robert’s Rules of Order provides, meetings can be very frustrating and if they are not used properly, it can lead to a meeting which is not very productive. By following Robert’s Rules of Order you are far more likely to make sure the meeting goes as planned.

There are also other dynamics in conducting effective meetings which you should be aware of including room arrangements, seating order, know how to facilitate the meeting and setting ground rules. And there are other ways to conduct meetings which are more culturally responsive and some of these will be shared in the training. This training will be interactive and it will give participants a chance to practice their meeting skills.


  • Roots of Parliamentary Law
  • How voting occurs
  • Role of chairperson or leader of meeting
  • What makes a quorum
  • Motions, appeals and point of order
  • Meeting minutes
  • How to facilitate a meeting
  • Principles of consultation
  • How to evaluate the effectiveness of your meeting

Motivating Staff for Maximum Performance

Staff who feel they are valued and recognized for the work they do are more motivated, responsible and productive than those who don’t. This training will help the staff to create a more dynamic, loyal and energized workforce. It is designed to help managers and supervisors understand what staff want and how to develop their potential. Part of the role of the supervisor is to see in their staff what the staff are unable to see themselves. Participants will learn why empowerment is a much better motivating strategy than fear. You will also learn the 10 elements that contribute to creating a positive work environment which will help your staff to thrive and not just survive.


  • Four Agreements as ground rules
  • Lateral Violence and its impact on motivating staff
  • Become more proactive versus being reactive
  • Create a personal vision and clarify your values
  • Learn 25 ways to motivate staff
  • Case scenarios of dealing with non-engaged staff
  • How to hold staff accountable

Ethics for a Tribal Organization

Within a Tribal organization, ethics issues can become a major issue which can result in the demoralization of staff and can lead to major liability concerns if not addressed properly. These ethical violations can range from relatively minor lapses, like abusing time or taking home items from work, to more serious issues such as fraud or having a conflict of interest. In this training, participants will learn how ethical issues should be dealt with before they become more serious concerns. Also, ethics training is vital to help the Tribe deal with legal mandates and to gain liability protection. The staff will learn how to build trust by consistently making the right ethical choices.


  • Implementing the four agreements
  • Examples of ethical violations
  • Legal versus doing the right thing
  • How to develop a code of ethics based on Tribal values
  • Role playing ethical dilemmas
  • Ethical decision-making models
  • Rewarding ethical behaviors
  • Best practices from other Tribal organizations

Lateral Violence in the Workplace

Lateral violence has been described as one form of trauma that Tribal staff have experienced in the workplace. It comes from the oppression of mulita-generational trauma and oftentimes, individuals do it to each other in an attempt to keep people in their place. It affects individuals, families, organizations, and even the Tribal community. The elements of lateral violence can include anger, rage, and malicious rumors, shaming and blaming behaviors. It can create a toxic work environment. In this interactive two-day training, staff will gain an awareness of the impact of lateral violence and how it affects them as well as the entire system. A model for healing will be presented which will use cultural tools as well as other healing modalities.


  • Definition of lateral violence
  • Historical overview of trauma
  • The impact of lateral violence in the workplace
  • Identify and healing from Red Rage
  • Scarcity thinking vs abundance mentality Overcoming fears
  • Moving past the shame and blame game
  • Ways to deal with triangulation in the communication process
  • The systemic impact of lateral violence
  • Healing journey: Talking circle and teachings of the medicine wheel
  • Develop a plan of action to map out your goals

Drug Free Workplace

In this two day training, supervisors will learn about the Drug Free Workplace Act which was passed in 1988 and how it should be implemented within the Tribal organization. All staff are expected to adhere to the program which should have policies and activities designed to provide a safe workplace, discourage alcohol and drug abuse and encourage treatment, recovery and the return to work of those staff who have abuse problems. It is essential that supervisors understand their role and how to be proactive in dealing with those staff whose performance indicates they are having abuse issues. One of the issues many Tribes struggle with is drug testing and this will be covered during the training.

Topics to be covered:

  • The Four Agreements
  • Overview of the Drug Free Workplace Policy
  • Supervisor responsibilities Ø Identifying performance problems Ø Drug testing: What is the policy?
  • Intervention and referral
  • Maintaining confidentiality
  • Enabling
  • Do’s and don’ts for Supervisors
  • Case studies

How to Manage Intergenerational Conflict within a Tribal Workplace

One of the issues some Tribal organizations struggle with is the increasing number of conflict that can occur within different generations. This includes baby boomers, generation x, generation z, and millennials. During this two day training staff will learn the strengths and areas that need to improve for each generation. Participants will learn ways to improve the communication process, overcome stereotypes and how to find common ground when there are differences. Case studies will give staff an opportunity to address some of the common conflicts that they have to deal with. Cultural issues will also be addressed in this interactive training.

Topics to be covered:

  • The four agreements
  • Acknowledge the differences in each generation
  • Learn to be flexible
  • Use leverage to maximize the strengths of each generation
  • Learn how to resolve issue
  • Unite around a common purpose
  • Learn to deal with stereotypes and negative assumptions

Creating a Respectful Workplace: Sexual Harassment

One of the main misunderstandings about sexual harassment in the workplace is that it is more about power than it is about sex. Sexual harassment is a serious issue in some Tribal organizations and if it is not taken seriously, it can have a major impact on the staff involved, the program and the entire Tribal organization. In this half day training which can meet all the requirements for you to be in compliance with your sexual harassment training needs, staff will learn about how to prevent sexual harassment, policies and procedures to address it and legal issues. This training will include case studies, small groups , exercises and resources.

Topics to be covered:

  • Use the four agreements to create a respectful workplace
  • Defining core terms of sexual harassment, unwelcome harassment, hostile work place and quid pro quo
  • Case studies
  • Developing effective polices to address sexual harassment incidents
  • Meeting legal obligations
  • Dealing with sexual harassment in a culturally responsive way
  • How to create a safe working environment

Building Accountability into the Tribal Staff Culture

Accountability is essential in the workplace. Without it, no one takes responsibility for task outcomes. People may be leary and reluctant to work with others when there is a lack of accountability and transparency. This training will help develop positive relationships, gain a sense of accomplishment, improve personal effectiveness and reduce stress among staff. The staff will also learn how to hold others accountable in a way that reduces conflict and leads to improved results.

Topics to be covered:

  • Four agreements
  • Identify benefits of accountability
  • What happens when you blame others or play the victim
  • Recognize components for building accountability
  • Case scenarios based on Tribal workplace
  • Overcoming obstacles to accountability at work
  • The accountability conversation


Willie Wolf is the president of Red Road Leadership Consulting, a Native American training and consulting firm, based in Gig Harbor, Washington.  Mr. Wolf has a Master’s in Education and another Masters in Public Administration, with an emphasis on Tribal Administration.  Mr. Wolf is an enrolled member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe in

South Dakota.  Over the past 25 years, Mr. Wolf has conducted numerous trainings for

Tribal staff throughout Indian Country.   Mr. Wolf is also a certified trainer with Franklin Covey and Associates.  He was the first to make the Seven Habits for Highly Effective People culturally responsive, which is one of the top business trainings in the country. Mr. Wolf is also a certified trainer with HRDQ, one of the leading human resources training organizations in the country. Mr. Wolf is a certified trainer for wellbriety and trained the first 150 firestarters in the country.    Mr. Wolf has trained over 10,000 supervisors from various Tribal organizations.


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Join Us on the Red Road to Leadership

Are you ready to unlock the potential of your tribe and cultivate leadership that inspires and endures? Book a consultation with us today and embark on a journey of growth and empowerment. Together, we can build a vibrant future for our communities, grounded in the rich heritage of our past and the boundless possibilities of our future.